Latvijas Jauno zinātnieku apvienība
Latvijas Jauno zinātnieku apvienība ir vienīgā organizācija Latvijā, kas apvieno visu jomu jaunos zinātniekus un pārstāv to intereses.
The Latvian Association of Young Researchers (Latvijas Jauno zinātnieku apvienība, LJZA) is the only organization in Latvia that unites young scientists from various fields and advocates for their interests. The association's main activities include science policy, advocacy and professional development of young scientists, science communication and networking.
The Latvian Association of Young Researchers (Latvijas Jauno zinātnieku apvienība, LJZA) is the only organization in Latvia that unites young scientists from various fields and advocates for their interests. The association's main activities include science policy, advocacy and professional development of young scientists, science communication and networking.